Thursday, December 13, 2007

i keep thinking i'm going to change

so it seems i am the same old person i was two days ago. well, the same person i was 33 years ago. i would like to think i have changed but i am the same girl making the same mistakes. i would like a healthy relationship but i keep going after the wrong guys. i had made progress by showing interested with someone who is actually single and NOT someone i work with. these are major steps for me. however, i don't get the chance to talk to him as much as i would like, he wants to take things slow as if its going to get any better and i'm not sure what we have in common. i think he is a very nice guy. at least he talks to me unlike some of the men from my past. i ask him a question and he answers me in a complete sentence. my concern is that if this relationship is not going to go in the direction that i want it to go then i think i should end it now. i definitely do not want to drag it out. however, i think its nice to have someone around during the holidays. i guess i better get serious and talk to him about what i want. a change in me would be me walking away from this relationship without looking back. i don't know. a part of me wants to have some fun and other part of me wants to stop setting myself up for a fall. lots of people tell me i should start looking at online dating. now that would be a dramatic change for me. i am starting to consider it. best wishes to us all!

1 comment:

finastwin said...

i know it's an old old old comment, but patience is a virtuous sister.