Wednesday, December 5, 2007

coming right back at me

so i have been attempting to blog more often and so far it hasn't been too hard. of course coming up with different things to write about can be a challenge. i have told more people about my blogs and some have read them. the problem is they throw what i say in my blogs back in my face. i don't say anything that i am ashamed of but i do try to write in code about some people and apparently those that read my blogs have been able to decode my messages and want to point them out. i don't like this. i try to keep parts of my life private or at least the people that i write about a secret and i guess its not working. i might have to stop talking about the people in my life to give them some privacy. of course that is not what i want. i would like to be able to talk about anything that comes to mind. i know i already censor myself but i don't want to start limiting my thoughts even more. i wonder if i should be more selective about who i tell to read my blogs. i just thought that the more who read them the more chance for feedback. i guess overall i should not be too concerned about what people have to say about what i blog about or the people in my life. i can take the constructive criticism without getting bent out of shape over it. now that i have gotten that off my chest i'm ready for it to be thrown back at me.

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